
Rodney Davis

From the office of:

Rodney Davis

From: The Honorable Rodney Davis
Sent By:
Date: 3/8/2016

Chairman Rodney Davis and Ranking Member Suzan DelBene, of the Agriculture Subcommittee on Biotechnology, Horticulture, and Research, ask that you join them in their letter to the Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. Located below the Dear Colleague is the contents of the letter. Thanks for your consideration.

Agricultural research is one of the soundest investments our government can make, and yet it accounts for a mere 2% of total federal R&D spending. A recent study by respected academics estimates that there is a $20 return for every one dollar invested in agricultural research through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA), specifically the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), USDA’s premiere competitive grants program.

Scientific advances that result from AFRI-funded research can enhance the competitiveness of American agriculture, ensure the safety of the nation’s food supply, improve the nutrition and health of communities, sustain the environment and natural resources, and bolster the economy. In the last year alone, AFRI research has led to the development of an allergy-free peanut and varieties of wheat that are gluten free or can help to reduce obesity.

Even with recent AFRI-funded successes in research, there is still much ground to cover. Due to annual budget constraints, AFRI awards have supported less than a quarter of the science that the program’s expert review panels deemed worthy.

We believe that the need for competitive agricultural research funding is clear: Disease, pests, market volatility, climate variability, labor instability, and water quality are just a handful of challenges which make agriculture an enterprise that relies disproportionately on good science to thrive. A significant investment in AFRI is desperately needed to support the best scientists and innovators working in the crucial fields of agriculture.

Therefore, we hope you will join us in signing the attached letter to House Agriculture Appropriations Chairman Robert Aderholt and Ranking Member Sam Farr requesting that they continue this worthwhile effort. The United States cannot afford to stand still, much less cut back on our pursuit of progress through new scientific knowledge. Increased funding for AFRI will ensure that U.S. agriculture remains competitive, and it will narrow the gap between current productivity and future anticipated need.

If you would like to sign the attached letter, please contact Tim Martin with Representative Rodney Davis at ( 63931) or Ben Barasky with Representative Suzan DelBene at ( 56311) by COB March 10th.


Dear Chairman Rogers, Chairman Aderholt, Ranking Member Lowey and Ranking Member Farr:

Thank you for your outstanding support for competitive agricultural research at the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA). As you meet to consider funding for the fiscal year 2017, we urge you to sustain this critical effort.  Your leadership will make a difference in helping to ensure that U.S. agriculture remains competitive globally and our country continues to lead the way in food and agriculture innovation.

Since 1948, total U.S. agricultural output more than doubled. Over the same period, the U.S. population also more than doubled. The ability of the farm sector to feed far more people today while using less farmland than six decades ago is attributed to increases in agricultural productivity.

The major driver of growth in agricultural productivity is innovation. Average rates of return to public investments in agricultural research range from 20 to 60 percent.

Investments in public agricultural research are the major factors driving technological change that leads to growth. In the 1940s, almost 40 percent of American research and development spending was focused on agriculture. Today, agriculture research only accounts for 2 percent of federal research and development spending. According to the USDA, total agricultural production has slowed significantly since the turn of the century.

In the last four years, the USDA-NIFA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) review process identified $3.85 billion in grants worthy of funding. However, with a limited annual budget, the program could only award $950 million—less than a quarter of the science that the program’s expert panels deemed worthy.

In order to continue the important work made possible by the Committee’s prior support, we request robust funding in fiscal 2017.

The Nation’s economic prosperity and security depend on our dedication to developing innovative, science-based solutions to meet our growing agricultural needs and managing efficient food systems.

Thank you for your consideration of these requests.  We are grateful for your leadership in ensuring that funds necessary to protect both animals and people will continue to be available.